"Fighting in the Age of Loneliness" OOH/social campaign:
This documentary campaign builds off the documentary's critiques of consumerism and dehumanization at the hands of big business, using mannequins to represent the "facelessness" of modern America. This would be a hybrid OOH/social campaign that builds physical environments, places them in affluent/business sectors, and pinpoints them through social media posts. 

Manifesto trailer, which would be posted on socials to introduce the campaign. 

This environment would feature a projection of the documentary beside it, running only at night. 

Hellfire Hot Sauce Stickers/Posters Campaign:
Ads were created based on the company identity revolving around "hellfire" and a spiciness that is sure to destroy taste buds. Audiences that would be interested in a sauce as spicy as the Hellfire brand provides would see the presence of the devil in these ads as a challenge and as a symbol for just how this sauce might send one's mouth into damnation. 
Coca-Cola "Grab a Coke this Halloween" billboard campaign:
This campaign utilizes classic monsters with Coke bottles to keep Coke on consumers' minds during the season of tricks and treats.
Dr. Pepper "Go Wrong With Us" campaign:
The "to do list" and "exhibit" images attached below are examples of what would be posted throughout this social campaign, a campaign thriving on the participation and creativity of its audience (with company-generated posts every now and then to keep the campaign’s blood flowing). Users would be encouraged to show how they #GoWrongWithUs by replying with their own #GoWrongWithUs pictures, videos, and stories. The hope of this campaign is that this added dialogue between company and customer will increase brand loyalty by putting some power — however small — in the consumers’ hands.
Campbell's Soup Brand Manifesto Radio Ad:
This ad capitalizes on the near-ubiquitous association between soup and comfort, going further to identify Campbell's as "home." The idea with this manifesto is to reach as many people as possible, as soup is a product that interacts with every single demographic out there. For those who grew up in a lovely home, Campbell's reminds them of that place. For those who grew up in a rough living situation, Campbell's stands as a node of comfort and escape.
Paper Mate Pink Pearl Creative Mockups:
Below is a series of mockups for the Paper Mate Pink Pearl eraser. They are targeted at younger audiences, specifically males, 14 to 24. They play at crude humor and the relatable experience of taking an exam and erasing an answer 3 or 4 times. The preferred medium for this campaign is social media, but a print campaign would also be valuable, as posters could be put up in office supplies stores and the like. 
Atma Skincare Print & Radio Brand Creation Campaign:
I created a skincare brand for a copywriting class, and its identity was based on intimacy and longing. The aim was to appear poetic and lined in mystery, but to also invigorate one's connection with the body itself. The name "Atma" came from the Sanskrit for "essence" or "breath." "Atma" refers to one's "self-existent essence," the complete awareness of self. In a world where people are becoming increasingly aware of the self, whether that be the inner or outer self, it is advantageous to pick at the mystique of our many selves.
Weber Grills Dream Campaign:

30 SEC VIDEO: We see a couple walking down the street, pushing a Weber “22 charcoal grill like a stroller. A steak is searing on it, and another couple walks by treating it like a baby. They lean down and say “Awwwwww.” Then one of them grabs a spatula from the side of the grill and tickles the steak, saying, “Goochie goochie goo” before asking “How well done is it?” The couple pushing the grill smiles and one of them says, “Medium rare.” “How precious!” says the other couple in unison, and they continue walking. The couple pushing the grill hugs and begins walking down the street again, and we see the sun slowly setting in the distance. The screen blurs, the Weber logo fades in and “Taste the love with a Weber charcoal grill.” is in text below.

30 SEC VIDEO: A man is sitting in a lawn chair and a seemingly empty lawn chair is next to him. He is looking out at a brilliant sunset, and a Weber “22 charcoal grill sits between him and the other chair. Some vegetables quietly sizzle on it. CLOSE-UP on the man’s face as a tear slowly rolls down his cheek. “I couldn’t have asked for a better friend,” he says, choked up. Cut to the other lawn chair. We see a medium-rare steak sitting in it. The steak doesn’t move, doesn’t respond. Still overcome with emotion, the man says, “I feel like what we have is rare. I really do.” Vegetables continue to sizzle on the grill between them. Cut to a WIDE SHOT where we see the backs of the chairs and the grill. They look out at the brilliant sunset, and then the screen blurs. The Weber logo fades in with the charcoal grill appearing beside it and “Find the best friend one could ask for at www.weber.com” below. As a voiceover, the man says, “Give me a hug, man.” The logo screen suddenly cuts away and we see the man’s wife standing over the steak’s chair as the man expresses semi-fear across his face. She yells “Honey, why the **** did you put a steak on my chair?”

30 SEC VIDEO: There is a giant steak (done medium well) floundering on a hospital operating table. A group of doctors (wearing scrub caps and head mirrors) have Weber aprons and Weber silicone grilling gloves on. There is loud fumbling and yelling all around. A bunch of rusted grills litter the operating room. As they punch a Weber meat thermometer into the steak, a loud beeping noise sounds and you can see the heart rate falling on a screen beside the operating table. “WE’RE LOSING HIM!” screams the main doctor. They struggle to flip the steak with a giant spatula, and there’s extreme grunting from all the doctors. A loud beep sounds as the steak flatlines and the main doctor yells in anguish. The camera quickly cuts to a man — the main doctor —waking up from this nightmare, yelling with that same anguish. He sits up, hyperventilating. We cut to reveal the man lying in bed with a steak. The man turns to the steak, gently rubs the top of it, and says “Don’t worry, darling. Was just a bad dream. Something I’d never let happen. Not on my grill.” He kisses the steak, then lies back down, pulling a Weber-branded blanket over him and the steak. The camera angle here allows us to see more of the room. Above the bed are photos of the man and the steak together: a selfie by the ocean, them lying in the grass, them wearing matching sunglasses. The bedside table is a Weber original ‘22 charcoal grill with its lid open— a Weber branded water bottle and a framed photograph of the man and the steak getting married lie on it. The screen blurs and the Weber logo appears with the grill beside it, with “Fall in love with a classic. Weber Original ’22 charcoal grills available at www.weber.com” in text beneath.​​​​​​​

Retro Fitness Rebranding:

30 SEC VIDEO: Retro Fitness sandwiched in between houses in a neighborhood. Three people standing in front of Retro (one in ridiculous retro/disco/80s outfit, one super buff guy, and the other in modern gym garb) nod to the guy next door walking out in his bathrobe to get the newspaper thrown onto his driveway by some kid biking by. The three guys in front of Retro are all drinking coffee. As the guy walks back in with his newspaper, the camera switches to an overhead shot showing how Retro Fitness is essentially part of the neighborhood, and the Retro Fitness logo pops up with the tagline “Your Neighborhood Gym” below. (Ambient neighborhood noises such as birds chirping, bike bell, perhaps a dog barking accompany throughout. No dialogue.) 

BILLBOARD or BILLBOARD TRUCK: Retro Fitness gym shown to be in the middle of a close-knit community neighborhood that one might associate with the east coast. Has the Retro Fitness logo and “Your Neighborhood Gym” pasted on it, with “Memberships start at $19.99 a month” below. 

30 SEC VIDEO: Guy has a list of all his chores on the fridge (doing dishes, taking out trash, picking up dog poop etc.), last on the list is “Go to the gym.” All while doing the chores, he’s wearing a goofy 80s workout fit. After he’s done, he hops in his car, backs out, and drives for only one second since the gym is right next to his house, then parks right in front of Retro while a diverse array of people are walking in (we see the logo on the gym clearly) and then a blur effect kicks in and the Retro Fitness logo + tagline “Your Neighborhood Gym” appears as the main guy walks into the gym at the same time as other people who are wearing modern casual gym wear (the people walking in are diverse in age, having some elderly and some younger to show that everyone goes here).

 BILLBOARD: A buff guy, a guy in silly 80s gym wear, a guy in a bathrobe, and a grandma with a headband stand next to the door of Retro Fitness. They are shown from belly-button up. The logo is large/clearly visible and says “Your Neighborhood Gym” underneath it. They’re all drinking coffee.

PornHub Video Script

Tagline: Explore the wonders of the natural world with PornHub.

30 SEC VIDEO: We open on a pack of lions watching a PornHub projection on a rock. Then we see a group of monkeys crowding around one monkey holding a phone with PornHub pulled up. Then 2 dogs and a cat watching PornHub on a TV in a living room. Finally, we see a group of dolphins sitting on their tails watching PornHub on a tablet underwater. The porn itself is blurred so we can’t actually see anything explicit. Throughout the whole video, a voiceover stems from the devices the animals are watching porn on. It is like a voiceover David Attenborough would give for a nature documentary. “And here we see humans, scientific name ‘homo sapiens,’ engaging in a common mating ritual. Humans are often drawn to what is referred to as the ‘bedroom’ for this activity, whether for procreative purposes or for that of sheer pleasure. Truly a magnificent and entrancing sight from those sitting at the very top of the Animal Kingdom.” We fade into a shot of a jungle with sounds of animals coming from all around. The voiceover ends with the tagline “Explore the wonders of the natural world with PornHub.”

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